viernes, 9 de diciembre de 2011

Will Amazon take another bite out of Apple with own smartphone?


A top U.S. tech analyst is predicting Amazon is likely to launch its own under-$200 smartphone by next year. And Amazon could sell the device for $170 U.S. or less, said Citigroup analyst Mark Mahaney. It would be the second head-on Amazon assault on Apple, right after the launch of the iPad tablet competitor Kindle Fire in the United States.

“We believe FIH (Hong Kong tech engineers) is now jointly developing the phone with Amazon,” he said. “With the clear success of the Kindle e-Reader over the past three years and the Kindle Fire possibly succeeding in the low-priced tablet market, we view with as the next logical step for Amazon,” Mahaney said.

Amazon “does not need to make money on hardware,” he said, “and if Amazon is actually willing to lose some money on the device, the price gap (with other smartphones) could be even bigger.”

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