martes, 11 de octubre de 2011

Young, educated and unemployed


Young people have always struggled to find work, but in difficult economic times, it becomes more pronounced. ”Young people, even if they’re able to get something part-time, they’ll take part-time work, or piecemeal work, or contract work.”That means people can’t begin to build a life, said Schaefer. While the news is bad in Canada, it’s worse in other countries.

In Spain, youth employment exceeds 40 per cent. Riots hit several British cities in August, notably in neighbourhoods with high employment. And the Occupy Wall St. movement, fueled in part by frustrated young people, appears to be spreading to other cities in the United States. Similar protests are expected in Toronto and Vancouver.

In August, the unemployment rate for Canadians 15-24 was 17.2. Also, young people are graduating with more debt than in previous generations. According to the Canadian Federation of Students, in 2000 the average debtload of a university graduate was $32,200. By 2005, it had grown to $37,000. 2010 statistics are due out shortly.

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