viernes, 2 de marzo de 2012

China’s Internet growth challenges country’s political elite


The number of web users in China soared past 500 million last year, explosive growth that has elevated Chinese Internet companies and challenged social and political discourse in the communist-controlled state. The government-run China Internet Network Information Center said last week that the number of web users in China grew to 513 million in December, up 12 per cent from a year earlier.

Chinese Internet giants such as search engine Baidu Inc., news portal Sina Corp. and gaming and messaging service provider Tencent Holdings added millions of users, raising the profile of the increasingly lucrative sector. One sign: Regulators recently gave the go-ahead for the online unit of the Communist Party’s mouthpiece, the People’s Daily, to offer shares in Shanghai. The news site plans to raise $83 million to challenge established web portals such as Sina and Sohu.

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